
Thursday, 18 August 2011

How to resolve an error when EV-SSL indicator

How to resolve an error when EV-SSL indicator is not displayed while viewing a webpage in Google™ Chrome

The error occurs when the browser is not set to check for server certification revocation. Extended Validation (EV) is intended to be a more visual indication to the user that he is accessing strictly validated websites.
The solution to the problem
Follow the instructions to resolve an error when EV-SSL indicator is not displayed while viewing a webpage in Google Chrome:
Step 1-In Google Chrome, click on the ‘wrench’ menu.
Step 2-Click on ‘Options’.
Step 3-Noe, click on ‘Under the Hood’ tab.
Step 4-Choose the ‘Check for server certificate revocation’ checkbox.
Step 5-Click on the ‘OK’ button.
Step 6-If you are still not able to see the organization’s name, it may be due to one of the following conditions:
  1. The website might not use an EV-SSL certificate. EV certificates provide extra assurance as to the identity of the website, but not all websites using SSL use EV-SSL certificates.
  2. The website might contain security errors, such as mixed content or expired certificates.
When an organization uses an Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL Certificate) Certificate, the organization’s name appears at the end of the address bar, directly to the end of the lock icon. If you don’t see the organization’s name displayed at the end of the address bar, make sure the browser is set to check for server certification revocation.

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